Saturday, November 12, 2011

Still Adjusting to the Time Change

After walking across my head for half an hour, the cat finally arouses me, in a bit of a rage I might add (me, not the cat – he is quite pleased).  It is 4:30 AM!
As I sit down with my cereal and coffee to read, I look out and see the moon.  Now, if I didn’t know it was 4:30 AM, I would think it was the middle of the night…but slowly the day unfolds.  I actually love the very early morning, I just don’t like to be awakened in such a fashion.
I love the morning to read, which I do for about an hour.  Usually yesterday’s paper but since there was no mail yesterday, I settle for an old New Yorker from October that a friend gave me.  A wonderful article by Atul Gawande on having a coach(es) help you to top your skills.  Gawande called in a retired colleague to help him better his surgical skills; he highlights a teacher who had coaches help her better her teaching skills.  Gawande is a wonderful writer and always seems to be thinking of ways to make things better, i.e., “The Checklist Manifesto”. I highly recommend any of his books.


  1. My mom! She has a blog! Congratulations! (And I love that you're using your extra hour to BLOG.)

  2. Finally! Those of us who eagerly awaited the return of the Gray Zone have been vindicated! Something more to add to my reading list.
